WHAT: County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions have been lifted for owners and residents as noted below. Homes in the areas were unaffected by the fire; therefore, supported re-entry days will not be held.
WHEN: Friday,Oct. 13, 2023
WHERE: Restrictions have been LIFTED for the following ZONES:
RESIDENTIAL ZONE 5C: Ipukula Way, S. Nahale Pl.
RESIDENTIAL ZONE 9M: Kanakea Loop, Kanakea Pl., Kahako St., Kaakolu St., Kahena St. (local access only; ID with address or proof of residency required)
RESIDENTIAL ZONE 16A: Pualei Dr., Puamelia Pl., Puakukui Pl. (local access only; ID with address or proof of residency required)
MARITIME ZONE 17D: Between Launiupoko Beach Park and Kauaula Stream (Beach Access)
ACCESS: To gain access to residential zones 9M and 16A, residents will be asked to provide an ID showing their address within the zone, or an ID plus additional documentation as proof of occupancy (see below for more details).
ROADWAYS: All roadways to access zones are clear for residents and property owners.
MARITIME ZONE: Restrictions have been lifted by the U.S. Coast Guard.
SAFETY AND ADVISORIES: Once a fire has burned through an area, many dangers may remain.It’s important to be aware of the hazards and to know what to look for when re-entering. For full safety details, visit www.mauirecovers.org. For air quality information, visit https://health.hawaii.gov/mauiwildfires/.
WATER: The County of Maui Department of Water SupplyUnsafe Water Advisory remains in effect in these residential zones. To view the water advisory, visit https://www.mauicounty.gov/water.
PROOF OF OCCUPANCY: The following documents may be used to verify property ownership or occupancy for zones with local access only:
DETAILS: To learn more about re-entry to impacted areas; safety information for returning to your property; drinking water and wastewater; maps and data; fire debris removal; recovery phases; financial and housing assistance; and business support, visit www.mauirecovers.org. For information on resources available, medical and mental health care, financial assistance, housing, jobs and how to donate or volunteer, visit www.mauinuistrong.info.