
Hawai‘i CARES 988


Hawai‘i CARES

Hawai‘i CARES 988 is a resource to help with crisis, substance use, suicide, and mental health. You may be looking for other kind of help, so we’ve compiled a list of useful organizations and resources that are here for you.

Visit the Hawai‘i CARES 988 Resource Library here.

If you need mental health, substance use, or suicide prevention support, please contact Hawai‘i CARES 988 by calling or texting 988, 24/7. You can also chat.

Disaster CommunicationDisaster AssistanceFind/Search For a Loved One

Emergency SheltersHousing

Food Assistance

Mental Health & Crisis CounselingBehavioral Health Care Services

Health Care Services

Financial AssistanceKeikiKūpuna (Elder) Services

Domestic Violence Services •  Substance Use Support Services

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