erc projects

Designing Permitting Processes for Accelerated West Maui and Kula Recovery: A Project for Rebuilding

Develop tools to expedite permitting processes for the recovery of West Maui and Kula, aligning with the County's Planning and Long-Term Recovery Plan and the Maui ERC Planning Committee's Objectives to accelerate the rebuilding of the vision for Lahaina.

Project Description

This project develops tools to expedite permitting processes for the recovery of West Maui and Kula, aligning with the County’s Planning and Long-Term Recovery Plan and the MERC Planning Committee’s Objectives to accelerate the rebuilding of the vision for Lahaina. These tools follow existing regulations and are designed to assist Maui residents and small business owners who seek to apply to rebuild housing and commercial property that were destroyed by the August 2023 fires.  They should not apply to any new residential or commercial development that was not previously in existence before the fires.  

Permitting Wizard

The Wizard builds on the work of the Hawaii State Energy Office’s online tool, guiding users through a series of property-related questions. Based on the responses, a report outlining the required permits and an estimated timeline for obtaining them will be generated. 

Baseline Technical Studies & Permit Templates

A consultant or consultants would prepare the following baseline technical studies to cover the entire Lahaina area since these studies are required for permit submissions:

  • Flora & Fauna
  • Traffic Impact Assessment Report
  • Archaeological Inventory Survey
  • Cultural Impact Assessment
  • Topographic Survey
  • Marine Water Quality
  • Preliminary Engineering and Drainage Reportsome text
    • Water 
    • Sewer
    • Drainage
    • Electrical
  • Economic and Fiscal Impact

Simplifying the process of preparing and processing permitting applications to proactively remove barriers to enable residents and business owners to rebuild. 

Property owners are able to secure their land use entitlements (SMA approval, etc) faster and therefore rebuild faster.  Expedited permit process is anticipated to take 3-6 months vs 1-2 years.

Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)

Policy 2.5.10 - Support the development of pedestrian oriented, complete communities that meet residents' needs for daily living by providing a mix of land uses, housing close to jobs, services, schools and recreation, and convenient and safe mobility options including walking, biking and transit options.

Action 1.38 - Update the Lahaina Town Drainage Master Plan with consideration given to Low Impact Development solutions, and develop an implementation plan.

Interdependencies and Roadblocks

The implementation of the project depends on the County’s Planning Department and the Long Term Recovery Plan, particularly in Lahaina. This project would implement a community-informed vision for the rebuilding of Lahaina. 

Guiding principles:

All agencies responsible for permitting must consider and prioritize the public interest in water, and plan with a modern approach to the traditional ahupua‘a, in which the natural health and productive capacity of the landscape are recognized and respected, and uses are designed in such a way as to operate in concert and coordination with these principles, as recommended in the County Wide Policy Plan (CWPP), Maui Island Plan (MIP) and the West Maui Community Plan (WMCP). Permitting processes should be undertaken in such a way as to:

  1. Support the vibrancy and integrity of Hawai‘i environments (land, water, ocean, sky, and native flora and fauna).

Supported by CWPP A. Protect the Natural Environment Goal: Maui County's natural environment and distinctive open spaces will be preserved, managed, and care for in perpetuity. Objective 1. C & D.

  1. Positively impact community well-being, equity, cohesion, capacity, and empowerment.
  2. Support Hawaiian cultural vitality and the application of ‘ike kupuna, including all the symbiotic, ancestral relations to ʻāina and wai.
Next Steps
  1. Identify lead agency
  2. Prepare RFP for Permitting Wizard
  3. Prepare RFP for Technical Studies
  4. Prepare RFP for Permitting Templates
  5. Master Planning for Lahaina
  6. Develop a Permitting Wizard
  7. Prepare Technical Studies
  8. Prepare Permitting Templates
  9. Prepare Permitting Templates
  10. Recruit and hire retired County Planning staff
  11. Prepare Programmatic EIS
Project Details

Cost Estimate:

The following are best guesses based on experience with permitting costs.

  • $500,000 - Wizard tools
  • $500,000 - Project management and template development
  • $2 million - Templates for technical studies and permits
  • $1.5 million - Programmatic EIS(s)
  • $ ____ - Planning Department and Planning Consultants

Potential Funding Sources:

  • Private grants
  • GIA (State)
  • CIP (County)
  • CDBG funds
  • Potential Federal, by order of likelihood (per EDA):some text
    • USDA Rural Development - disaster assistance funding (pending agreement with Maui Dept of Public Works) - could be leveraged for staff capacity building
    • Rural Business Development Grant - capacity building, technical assistance
    • Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI)

Project Lead

The preferred lead agency would be the County of Maui Planning Department, Current Division, with the support of the State Office of Planning & Sustainability (OPSD)

Project Partners

All of the County & State reviewing agencies/departments required permits to confirm the required permits, confirm application procedures and process, review and approve technical studies, review and approve permit templates, and prepare standard conditions:

  • Office of the Mayor
  • Department of the Corporation Counsel
  • Department of Housing
  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Water Supply
  • Liquor Control
  • Fire & Public Safety
  • Planning Department
  • Public Works

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Key Highlights

ERC members share from the ERC process:

  • The opportunity to get to know and work with others, who they normally would not meet, in meaningful ways
  • A new way of doing business together for shared goals: Time to build foundations and relationships, to learn, and to think broadly about what Maui needs for long-term recovery has been really appreciated and is crucial for real impact
  • Witnessing a de-siloing of government (across levels) and experiencing working with agencies and across sectors provides hope
  • Mayor Bissen announced that there will be private funding to support two years of project management, so relationships, new ways of doing business together, and the projects will continue through implementation, and our administration will continue to support the people of the Maui and the County after this warm hand-off