
Offer or ask for funding, jobs, volunteers, donations, etc on Kūkulu Switchboard


Kūkulu Switchboard was created to facilitate connections between philanthropy and community by helping Hawai'i-based communities, nonprofits, and social enterprises  enable timely resource access and exchange through a facilitated digital peer-to-peer network.

How it Works

Kūkulu Switchboard connects community to resource stewards (philanthropy, donors, peers), and enables timely resource exchange through a human-operated online platform.

  • The platform is open to everyone for viewing and posting
  • Posts are categorized as either an ASK or OFFER
  • ASKS and OFFERS can be for funding, volunteers, in-kind donations, technical assistance, and potential partners
  • Partial funding for financial ASKS on the Kūkulu Switchboard are welcomed
  • Projects do not need to be a registered 501(c)3 or fiscally sponsored to post

It’s a simple, curated, human-operated platform that increases community capacity, connecting nonprofits and socially minded innovators with resources like funding, technical assistance and potential partners in real-time and in a transparent, equitable way. The platform brings down the silos that had existed pre-COVID-19 so that people can more easily connect to do work across sectors.

Helping our community grow has never been easier.

Asks and Offers for resources (financial, human, or otherwise) are posted, categorized, and searchable to help connect with needs.

Need assistance? Ask for help. Ask Have a unique skill? Offer it up.

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Kukulu Nonprofit & Social Enterprise Resource



  • Non-profits
  • Community service projects
  • Social enterprises
  • Movement leaders / organizers


  • Charitable Foundations
  • Volunteers
  • Technical Assistance/Professionals
  • Individuals interested in sharing their network and mana’o
  • Individuals / Families interested in donating $, gifts cards, or in-kind

Why it matters

BENEFITS for Nonprofits, Social Enterprises, Community Leaders AND for Donors, Foundations and People Who Want to Share with Their Community:

  • Increase reach to potential supporters
  • New peer/partner contacts
  • Uplift current needs
  • Amplify awareness of community service landscape
  • Grassroots-centered
  • Quick tool to find-and-fund
  • Increased reach for funding pipeline
  • Current data on landscape of need
  • ‘Putting your money where the moment is”
  • Equity-centered philanthropy pathway
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