
Donate to Lahaina Restoration Foundation


This unprecedented fire emergency has brought tragedy to our doorstep. Many homes, businesses and historic places have been damaged and destroyed. We need to come together now to make sure our town recovers from this. Your help is needed now, please click here to give your best gift to make sure Lahaina will recover from this destruction.

Your gift will be used to help with the recovery efforts for Lahaina. Please make sure this tragedy is not the end of our story. Give today to show the world that Lahaina is stronger when we work together!  

Lahaina Restoration Foundation is a 501(c)3 Hawai‘i nonprofit organization chartered in 1962. Its mission is to be stewards and storytellers of Lahaina’s Historic & Cultural Heritage. We envision a community that engages with us in preserving and protecting Lahaina’s Hawaiian and Historic Sense of Place.

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